
Business Plan

The Business Plan small business archive.


Brits scheming for SME success

More than one in five Britons believe that they have a business plan that will make them millionaires.

Small Business Banking

What banks want to see from SMEs

So why aren’t banks lending to small businesses? Rose Lewis, a partner at financial consultancy Pembridge Partners, outlines what banks want to see from SMEs before agreeing to show the money.

Business Ideas & Planning

10 point guide to creating a successful business plan

Setting out a plan for your business can seem like a daunting task, especially before you've even got it off the ground. This 10-point guide shows the benefits of a good business plan and what to consider when writing one.

Government Grants

Loans and grants

I want to start a small business. Where do I go for funding when my bank won’t help?

Business Ideas & Planning

Business plan dos and don’ts

Seeking funding for your new business can be a real challenge. Meeting with potential investors or banks is daunting, but having a sturdy business plan to back you up should help boost your confidence and your chances of gaining finance. Here are some top tips from SmallBusiness.co.uk.

Business Ideas & Planning

Checklist: what should be in your business plan

Your business plan is key to keeping your mind on long-term strategic goals while dealing with the day-to-day problems. Here's what it should contain.

Business management

Raising finance with your business plan

A business plan is essential if you are seeking funds from outside investors.

Business Ideas & Planning

Having the right business plan is key

Would-be entrepreneurs looking to start up their own businesses need to concentrate on producing a top notch business plan, says the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

Finding and selling to customers

How Amazon Ads is supporting entrepreneurs

Digital ad campaigns aren't just for big businesses. Here's why you should be considering it...

Partner content

What are the funding options for hospitality businesses?

Hospitality businesses have faced a number of challenges in the last couple of years. Find out what funding and support is available.


6 types of business funding for UK tech companies

Here we explore six types of business funding that can help your UK tech company expand and reach its goals.

Business Loans

A guide to getting a small business loan

Everything you need to know on what small business loans are and what types of loan are available for your business.