
Starting a business

Articles, news and advice guides on starting a business in the UK.

Business Ideas & Planning

6 best small business ideas for 2022

What are the best ideas for starting your own business in the post-pandemic world we now live in? Here are six suggestions from becoming a yoga instructor to walking dogs or becoming a social media expert.

Business Ideas & Planning

Five business ideas that are bound to click

To help you make the right decision on what type of company to start, here are five business ideas to consider.

Starting a Business

Touker Suleyman 7 tips for starting your own business

Touker Suleyman, star of TV’s Dragons' Den, shares his top tips for starting your own business

Sole trader

Setting up as a sole trader – a business is born

Setting up as a sole trader is the preferred option for many businesses starting out. James Johnson guides you through what to do


One in seven adults plan to become entrepreneurs

Research from NatWest found that 50 per cent more people want to become entrepreneurs compared to pre-pandemic levels

Legal advice

Can my employer stop me from setting up a competing business?

What you can and can’t do when setting up in competition against your former employment is often in the fine print of your contract, warns Harper James Solicitors


Half of the UK’s newest business owners are millennials

The largest proportion of new businesses were started by millennials, according to a study based on figures from Companies House

Business Ideas & Planning

Five successful small business ideas for 2021

James Birch of Colour Graphics shares five successful business ideas to launch, including businesses you can run from home.


Starting a business during changing times: danger and opportunity

Matthew Cushen, co-founder at Worth Capital, explores the opportunities and dangers of starting a business now, during a pandemic


Over 835,000 new UK businesses were registered in the last year

Hundreds of thousands of new businesses were launched in the UK last year as the pandemic drove entrepreneurial spirit

Starting a Business

One in five Brits say they want to start a business in 2021

Only 6% of those surveyed say that have been pushed into working for themselves after losing their job

Legal advice

8 legal considerations for setting up a business during the pandemic

Nick Owens of Harper James Solicitors explains what legalities you should be considering if you're starting a business during the pandemic.

Finding and selling to customers

How Amazon Ads is supporting entrepreneurs

Digital ad campaigns aren't just for big businesses. Here's why you should be considering it...

Partner content

What are the funding options for hospitality businesses?

Hospitality businesses have faced a number of challenges in the last couple of years. Find out what funding and support is available.


6 types of business funding for UK tech companies

Here we explore six types of business funding that can help your UK tech company expand and reach its goals.

Business Loans

A guide to getting a small business loan

Everything you need to know on what small business loans are and what types of loan are available for your business.