

Starting a Business

How to start a taxi business

Driving a minicab or a taxi has many benefits. You can work the hours you want to and supplement another career, whether you are a creative, a tradesman or even a teacher. But the biggest benefit could be the sense of performing a service for the vulnerable

Employing & managing staff

What the Uber ruling means for your small business

The Supreme Court has ruled that some Uber drivers are workers and not self-employed, entitling them to statutory pay and paid holidays. What this means is that many sole traders could also now qualify paid holidays and other benefits from companies that use them


Treasury eyes hitting self-employed gig workers with VAT charge

Slapping VAT on self-employed gig economy drivers or plumbers could rake in £20bn a year for empty Treasury coffers

Employing & managing staff

Why Kalanick’s departure from Uber is a victory for company culture

In this piece Ab Banjeree, CEO of ViewsHub, shares some practical lessons for small businesses following Travis Kalanick's controversial reign at the helm of Uber.

Finding and selling to customers

How Amazon Ads is supporting entrepreneurs

Digital ad campaigns aren't just for big businesses. Here's why you should be considering it...

Partner content

What are the funding options for hospitality businesses?

Hospitality businesses have faced a number of challenges in the last couple of years. Find out what funding and support is available.


6 types of business funding for UK tech companies

Here we explore six types of business funding that can help your UK tech company expand and reach its goals.

Business Loans

A guide to getting a small business loan

Everything you need to know on what small business loans are and what types of loan are available for your business.