Tips on how to achieve work-life balance

Here, Laura Little, learning and development manager at CABA, gives her top tips on how to successfully achieve work-life balance.

‘Work-life balance’ has become a popular phrase over the past couple of years, and the more we hear about it, the more unachievable it seems. This is because there now seems to be general acceptance that it’s no longer achievable, with the consequences detailed for us to read on a daily basis. We’re tired, unproductive and working longer hours, with endless surveys telling us how little time we have due to work pressures. Let’s face it, it’s not uncommon to set aside a couple of hours to catch up on emails on a Sunday, or have a specific day when we stay late in the office to regain control of to-do lists.

Our lives no longer have a clear separation between work and home, with the 9-5pm seeming non-existent.

The effects of this attitude can sometimes be harrowing. Japan, for instance, is a leading example of when overwork goes too far. The country is famous for its overstretched workers, who are expected to work long hours – so much so that overtime legislation has needed to be introduced to stop people working all hours of the day. The situation has become so dire, that it is literally killing people. It is also affecting the Japanese birth-rate and the word ‘Karōshi’ has even been developed to describe ‘death by overwork’, showing how a change in approach is needed.

This deadly issue in Japan is slowly leaking into UK workplaces, and although this may seem extreme, it’s an excellent way to contextualise exactly how out of control things can become when work-life balance is ignored. Whilst it’s undeniable that employers must take responsibility for their employees’ wellbeing, which is something we’re thankfully seeing in the UK, it’s also the responsibility of the employee to utilise their own skillset and keep their work-life balance in check: as ultimately we’re the ones in control of how we police our own time.

So, how does one take care of their work-life balance, in an ever-demanding world from which they can rarely switch off? The answer – by learning to integrate work and life, instead of trying to balance them: acknowledging that the 2 will always be intertwined, and acting accordingly. Ultimately, it’s about being present during your home time, in order to make the most of it. This creates a clear boundary between home and work, as by keeping them mentally separate, they can illicit different emotional reactions.

This separation is key to work-life integration: being able to focus on what’s in front of us, and recognising that we can reject requests if they’ll negatively impact our ability to focus on either our home or work lives, respectively.

Striking a healthy balance – whatever ratio of home to work time that may be – comes from utilising time wisely and following age old advice. Find time in your day to eat healthily, rehydrate and get fresh air: this can easily all be incorporated into a lunch break. This can be especially beneficial as exercise relieves tension, releasing feel-good endorphins and improving or stabilising your mood.

Employers are realising the perils of overwork and as the UK grapples with its poor productivity rate, a change in approach is needed. This is not a one-way process, however, and individuals are just as responsible as employers in making the change. This means setting boundaries and sticking to them, to help yourself as much as possible. No one can work long hours consistently, so if you want to climb to the top of the career ladder, listen to your body, take a rest and use your energy in concerted bursts of effort. If we continuously try to integrate our work and personal life in a responsible and reasonable way, we won’t only benefit ourselves: we’ll benefit those we care about and the organisation we work for too.

Laura Little is learning and development manager at CABA

Further reading on work-life balance

Owen Gough, SmallBusiness UK

Owen Gough

Owen was a reporter for Bonhill Group plc writing across the and titles before moving on to be a Digital Technology reporter for the

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